Friday, April 29, 2011

US Embassy

Today we went to the US Embassy for our exit interview.  There were seven other families there with us.  Most of the kids were around the same age as Maxim.  The people at the Embassy have done this before; they gave us a big bag of toys to play with while we waited.  As soon as the toys came out the kids got social and played with the toys and each other. 

The entire process took about an hour and a half and when it was done Max had a passport, a visa, and all of the official paperwork he needs to come home. 

After lunch and Max’ nap, we went for a stroll and sat in the park for a little while.  I just gave Max his dinner and bath.  Once he falls asleep I’ll pack everything up so we can come home tomorrow.  I hope he is as ready to come home as I am! 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

One Day Down, One Day To Go

In preparation for our meeting at the US Embassy tomorrow, Max had his US medical exam very early this morning.  He did very well.  The doctor said the reason for the high fever and vomiting yesterday is because his molars are coming in.  The doctor also said he's skinny but that's OK because people spend millions of dollars to get skinny! 

After the medical exam, we went and took pictures for Max' Visa and completed a lot of documents in preparation for our meeting tomorrow.  Once all of this was done, my documents were submitted to the Embassy and our appointment was scheduled for 11:30 AM tomorrow morning.  

Then it was back to the hotel for a much needed nap, for both of us!  Max slept for four hours, right through his lunch.  We had a snack and went for a stroll in Solokniki Park.  He liked the stroller and enjoyed his roll through the park until it started to rain. 

We played for awhile in the hotel room and he explored it completely and repeatedly until dinner time.  Instead of eating his dinner tonight, he kept trying to figure out how to spill water out of his sippy cup.  The sippy cup is new to him; no sippy cups in the orphanage, the kids there take their drinks straight up!  At first he didn't know how to drink out of it, but some silly expressions on my part that he copied produced results. 

Then it was bath time, let's just say it wasn't the highlight of his day.  Max screamed and cried through the entire bath.  After the bath, he liked the hair brush and brushing his hair.   I guess he would rather look good than smell good.  

He's sound asleep now. I think our late night last night and our early morning really wore him out today.  I'm glad that he's going to get a good night's sleep and that we don't have such an early start tomorrow morning. 

Posted at 8:23 PM Moscow time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Together At Last!

It’s a little after 11 PM at night, we’re back at the hotel room and we’re doing great!  Only problem is, Max is wide awake.  He’s lying in his crib watching everything I’m doing.  If I go into the bathroom, he sits up and waits for me to come out, he’s keeping a constant watch on me.  So I decided to sit right next to the crib while writing this, hoping that since I am so close maybe he’ll fall asleep, it’s not working. 

So how did we get here today, I had another successful flight (see my earlier post about what makes for a successful flight and you’ll understand, right Julian!), however it was delayed for three hours but when it took off all went well.  Then it was a 3 ½ hour ride to the orphanage, we got there at 7:10 PM, much later than planned. 

They were waiting for us so we could do the required paperwork and signatures.  They said that they told Max this morning that I was coming to get him; they said he got his clothes right away and he kept looking for me at the door all day.  They said he was anxious all day.  They also told me he had a high fever this morning and gave me some medicine for him, but he doesn’t have a fever now.

I asked if I could see where Max sleeps.  They took me upstairs to his groups’ bedroom and he was sitting there in the clothes I had given them for him.  He looked at me with his little smile and said Mama!  Yes, he does remember me!   They showed me the crib he sleeps in and his playroom and let me take a couple of pictures.  Then it was time to start the journey to Max’ new home. 

I thanked them for taking such good care of him.  They wished us a happy and healthy life together and told me I need to bring him back to visit. 

Max made sure I was initiated as his new Mama quickly, about thirty minutes into the car ride he started throwing up and continued for about an hour.  I’m pretty sure he’s fine now; he’s a smiling happy boy in his crib!   Right now he’s playing peek-a-boo with his blanket. 

This is finally the start of our new life together!

Posted at 11:25 PM Moscow time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On My Way to Orekhovo-Zuyevo

Today is the start of a few very busy days.  I leave tonight to arrive in Moscow tomorrow afternoon.  From the airport we go to the orphanage in Orekhovo-Zuyevo to get Max.  After a few busy days of official appointments and meetings, we come home as a family.   

Friday, April 15, 2011

Home Again

Today was the first sunny day in Moscow on this trip.  The nice weather made for a smooth flight.  It's a long flight but I'm looking forward to doing it again soon, twice! 

Now I have to get a few more things ready here so I can go and bring Max back to his new home.

I'll post again before I go.  

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Joyful News!

With gratitude and joy I can finally say I had a successful day in court!  The little man has a new name!  It is now Maxim Christopher Engeleit. 

After the ten day waiting period I'll be returning to Orekhovo-Zuyevo on April 26th. to bring Max home so we can begin our new life together. 

Thanks to all of you for your continued support and encouragement.

Posted at 7:55 PM Moscow time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bird Is The Word!

Today light snow is falling in Orekhovo-Zuyevo.  I saw the little man this morning.  The first thing we did when we got to the orphanage was take him out to get his passport picture taken.  He was very quiet going to the car and he would not let go of my fingers the entire time we were in the car.  The photographer had a toy that helped to relax him a bit.  He started talking on the way back but still would not let go of my fingers.

To my surprise I was able to spend the rest of the morning visiting hours with the little man when we got back to the orphanage.  Here’s how smart he is, I have a small See ‘N Say with me, it has animals on it and makes animal sounds.  He pulls the arm, it makes the sound and I make the sounds and I ask him where the animal’s picture is on the See ‘N Say.  We went through a few animals and when we got to the bird, I asked him to show me where the bird was.  Instead of showing me where the bird is on the See ‘N say, he puts his arm up, looks down the hall and points to the bird in the bird cage.  With great surprise, my driver said ‘you taught him something’!  Ah yes, repetition pays off!

This evening I met with my translator to prepare for court tomorrow.  She told me who will be in the court room, the procedural things they will do, what is expected of me, etc.  I guess we are all ready now.    

Posted at 7:52 PM, Moscow time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last Day in Orekhovo-Zuyevo

I had two visits with the little man today, this morning he was very interested in the other children who were in the area where we visit.  He was especially interested in a little baby and not at all happy when she was crying.  He kept going over to her to look at her, he didn't seem to understand why she was making so much noise. 

This afternoon I went upstairs to get him again.  He wasn't quite sure he wanted to give up his afternoon snack to go with me but he put it down and came over to me.  They gave it to him to take downstairs but he didn't eat it, he ate his Cheerios instead.  Today the doctor gave him some candy, this is the second time she has given it to him while I have been visiting.  Today I saw the results of sugar on a very little man, we did a lot of running!

They have a bird cage in the area where we visit, the little man loves to stare at the bird and tap on his cage, move his cage, bang the table with the cage on it, you get the picture.  Two more words appeared today, one is bird, probably because I tell him to be nice to the bird, don't do that to the bird, etc. repeatedly.  The other is Mama, he called me Mama once this morning and once this afternoon.  I guess he's listening to his caretakers, they call me Mama all the time. 

I will see the little man in the morning tomorrow then head back to Moscow to prepare for court. 

It was snowing lightly all day today but I decided to take a walk anyway.  Here's a few more pictures.

A street in the middle of town.

A large pigeon coupe! 

An offical looking building, it had a very large courtyard in front of it.

This statue was in front of the official building above. 

 A Music Man.

Again, for those who can read Russian, the plaque in front of the Music Man.

Posted at 10:14 PM, Moscow time.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Outdoor Markets, Helicopters and the Klyazma River

I was able to see the little man twice again today.  Whenever I go to get him from his play room, the nurses always tell him his Mama is here.  Today he was on the far side of the room and when he heard them he started saying Mama, Mama and he came running over to me, then he pointed dowstairs because he wanted out of the playroom.  That was sweet but he still has not called me Mama directly.  Today during a conversation he was having with himself I heard the word Mama but it was not directed at me.  Though he did use his other new words today, cup and no.  

Today was the first day it was not raining or snowing here.  This afternoon they asked me if I wanted to take him outside.  Yes, of course, so I bundled him up and we went outside for a little over an hour.  We climbed on the houses and played with the snow.  He saw a cat at one point and went running through the play ground following him.  Made me feel a little sorry for Torre (my dog).  We went down a slide for the first time, he liked it and decided that maybe next time he would just stand at the top, lean forward and see what happens.  Luckily I was close by and anticipated his daredevil stunt in the making.  We went back inside and he did a lot of running and talking today. 

Since it was not raining or snowing today, I took a walk and found what I think might be the center of the town.  I took a few pictures. 

A River that runs through the center of town, I think it's the Klyazma River.

A place for the kids. 

An outdoor market, check out the models! 

Still the outdoor market, these are fake flowers, I've seen them sold in a few places,
I guess it's still to cold to sell real flowers. 

 A war memorial.

Since this is an industrial town, I think they may build helicopters here.

Posted at 9:37 PM, Moscow time.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Staying in Orekhovo-Zuyevo

The orphanage Max stayed in and the hotel I stayed in while visiting Max were in Orekhovo-Zuyevo. Orekhovo Zuyevo is an industrial city in Moscow Oblast Russia, located about 85 kilometers (53 miles) east of Moscow in a forested area on the Klyazma Riva.  Orekhovo, often pronounced only as Orekh, is a Russian word which means walnuts.  The city was established in 1917 when three villages (Orekhovo, Zuyevo and Nikolskoye) were merged together, hence it's name.  I spent a lot of time in-between my visits to Max walking around Orekhovo Zuyevo, it appears to still be an industrial city; there was a helicopter manufacturing plant near the hotel I stayed in.

This is the outside of the hotel I stayed in, this picture does not show the tall wrought iron fence that surrounded the hotel.

My room.

The hotel lobby

The dining room

This is the breakfast buffet


Today I had two visits with the little man.  He was happy to see me each time, the first time he ran across the playroom to me and the second time he gave up his snack.  I must be doing something right if he's willing to give up his afternoon cookie.... 

With each visit it seems that more of his personality is showing.  He's laughing and smiling a lot.  I have a little toy that plays nursery rhymes; he sang his version of Ring Around the Rosie every time it played accompanied by his own unique dance moves.

Today the little man said two words in English that I could clearly understand.  I bring him a treat each visit; it's some Cheerios in a small glad container.  It looks like a small cup and I guess I called it a cup because he said 'cup' about fifty times today while playing with it.  I also told him the stacking cups were cups so he had lots of cups to talk about.  But alas that was not his first word, his first word was the 'N' word, that's right he said NO!  He said it at the appropriate time, he used it the right way and he used it a few times.  As I said, more of his personality is coming out along with his independence, just ask him about it and I'm sure he'll say no!

I tried taking a walk today in-between visits.  There was a cold ice/rain falling, not good weather for walking or taking pictures, hopefully tomorrow will be better. 

Posted at 9:27 PM Moscow time.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekend Orphanage Visits

I spent my first night in Orekhovo-Zuyevo.  This hotel allows me to go back and forth to the orphanage very quickly, it's only a five minute cab ride away and the hotel and orphanage call the cab for me.  Today I was able to see the little man twice.  This morning he was playful and he seems to be adjusting to the attention he is receiving; I think he's actually starting to like it. 

Orekhovo-Zuyevo is not like Moscow in that there are very few English speaking people here.  All of the conversations I have usually end up with me and my Russian counterpart saying I don't understand.  Today in-between my visits to the orphanage, I had to exchange money to pay my hotel bill.  I tried to talk to the woman at the front desk without success.  I have a thing called a Russian Language Map, it is a laminated document with common words and phrases in English and in Russian.  Today it came in very handy, what I wanted was for someone to actually take me to the exchange and that's exactly what I got.  I pointed to the phrase on my map asking where is the money exchange and asked for directions.  When she couldn't tell me she got her counterpart to walk me over.  I then made him come inside with me in case someone tried to speak to me.  Success!

This afternoon I went back to the orphanage.  Normally when I arrive, the orphanage doctor tells the little mans care takers that I am there and then they get him ready and bring him out.  This afternoon when I got to the orphanage, the orphanage doctor wanted to make sure I would be able to see him when she is not there so she took me by the hand and led me upstairs to the playroom for his group.  I understood what she was doing even though I couldn't understand what she was saying to me.  She told the caretakers that I would be coming up to get him when she was not there.  As I approached the playroom I could see the kids sitting around tables finishing their snacks.  The little man saw the director then leaned over and saw me, when he saw me he put a big smile on his face, it was a real indication that he starting to bond with me and it made me feel great!  The director even commented on his smile.  Then I went back downstairs to wait for him.  Lost in all of this communication to the care takers was the fact that I was waiting for him downstairs.  After a while I went back upstairs and they were very surprised to see me, they took the little man to get him changed and indicated that I should sit down in the playroom to wait for him.  This is unprecedented access, you usually see the place where you spend time with your child and no where else in the orphanage.  I would love to get a picture of the playroom but I don't think I'll be able to.  I sat on the couch and all of the other children in his group came over, they were told that I was the little man's Mama.  Several of them started calling me Mama.  When the little man came in and sat on my lap he was not happy at all with the other children being near me and the Mama talk, his reaction was surprising to me. 

We went downstairs and spent a couple of hours together this afternoon.  He was very quiet when we met in March, now he is becoming much more verbal with each visit.  He talks to others as they walk by and he says things to me which I don't understand.  Another way I got him to talk, unintentionally, was to take something away from him, he was not happy and he let me know it. 

This morning when I got up it was snowing.  After the snow stopped, it rained off and on all day.  I walked around outside between visits and the rain. 

Here's some pictures from my brief walk today.

This is my hotel.

This is a catherdal that I went into.

The name of the cathederal for those of you who can read Russian.

Homes across the street from the hotel.

Posted at 10:42 PM Moscow time.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Medical & the Little Man

Today was a very long day.  It started with an hour plus ride to the medical exam which took about an hour and a half to complete.  There were three families in the room getting examined.  We spent most of the time waiting for the various doctors to come in and ask questions, some to me and some to the other families.  When it was over, we all passed! 

Then it was off to the orphanage, this is normally a two hour ride from Moscow, it should have taken less time because the medical exam was on the way, but it didn't.  The traffic was awful today, it took us just over four hours to get to the orphanage, boy was I glad that I had my iPod with me!  When we got to the orphanage the little man was having supper so we had to wait a little while for him.  He came out looking a little confused at first but after a few minutes and a new toy, he seemed to remember me.  He went right for the toy bag to see what other toys I had; this is something we did when we visited in March. 

For the next few days I am staying at a hotel which is a five minute cab ride from the orphanage.  We made all of the arrangements for the cab and I'll get to see the little man twice a day!  I'm looking forward to my visits. 

There is a wedding downstairs in the hotel, I can hear the band playing in my room.  They seem to be having a great time.  If it doesn't end soon, I may have to crash it! 

Posted at 10:15 PM, Moscow time.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Moscow.... Again

I arrived in Moscow about 12:30 this afternoon, local time.  To me, any flight that takes off and lands as it should is a good flight.  It's what happens in-between that makes each flight unique and provides a story.  We boarded the plane on time, taxied out to the run way, sat for a little while, then literaly backed up to the gate.  That's right, the pilot put the plane in reverse and we went back to the gate.  I don't know why we backed up; but about and hour and twenty minutes later we took off.  The flight was a bit bumpy through out the night.  In the middle of the night, a new passenger made himself known on the plane.  The new passenger was a little yappy dog that got out of his carrier.  He was running up and down the isle barking away, it seems that he woke up and wanted to let everyone know about it!  I thought it was pretty funny even though he woke me and the people around me up.  It also seemed like his owner must be used to the barking because it took quite awhile for him to wake up then run down the aisle and get the dog.  Very funny to watch. 

Just got to the hotel a little while ago, lots of traffic.  Tomorrow morning I go for my medical exam then out to the orphanage to see the little man, I'm looking forward to that.

Posted at 3:45 PM, Moscow time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ready To Go

I'm all packed and ready to go.  It's sunny and clear today so it seems like a good day to fly.  I'm looking forward to spending the next few days visiting the little man as I prepare for court.  I'll post again soon from Moscow.