Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Max Goes To Church

This past Sunday I decided to take Max to church for the first time, I want him to get a little used to it before he is baptized.  He did great!   We have a toddler tunes CD in my car, after each song is done he claps and says 'yeah'.  In church, after the first hymn was over, Max did the same, he clapped and cheered, it was very funny!  The only real problem we had was when everyone else received communion and he didn't.  He could not understand why everyone else got something to eat and he didn't, he was seriously upset!   Next time, I will have to slip him a cookie so he doesn't try to go up on to the alter and get something to eat from the Priest.  The boy is serious about food!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I've attached a picture of some of the ballons and flowers Max & I have received for our homecoming and Mother's Day.  The kindness and generosity of my friends and family is overwhelming and humbling.  Thank you all!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Climbing Max

Yesterday Max discovered a new talent, he climbed right out of his crib.  I was shocked when he came walking into the kitchen while he was supposed to be napping.  It didn't even take him a week to discover this new talent and you can bet he didn't even attempt this in the orphanage.  Then this morning at 5AM, I hear a thud and the screams followed, I guess his landing wasn't quite as good as yesterday afternoon.  Today we are getting a crib tent, he's going to hate it but I think it's the only way I can stop him from climbing out of the crib.  Wondering what he has in store for me today..... 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Max' Big Day

Max had a big day yesterday, he slept through the night for the first time!  When he woke up, Torre, our dog, was here.  He loves Torre, he throws her bone at her, her toys, everything.  When we go outside, Torre chases other animals and Max chases Torre.  This morning when I woke up, Torre was asleep in Max’ room right next to the crib.  I can’t believe how quickly they have bonded. 

I guess I didn’t give Max enough breakfast yesterday morning, he came walking up to me with something in his mouth, I took it out and found a piece of crunchy dog food.  I don’t think he liked it very much; he didn’t go back for seconds!  Or maybe he listened to me when I took him over to the dog dish and told him not to eat the dog food, maybe not.

Then we went to the pediatrician, Max did pretty good except when they drew blood. After that it was home for lunch and a nap, or so I thought.  He ate his lunch but refused to take a nap.  He was in the crib for about ninety minutes and seemed to get more and more awake each minute. 

We had to go to the super market; he did great in the cart.  He just wanted me to hand him each item so he could inspect it and try to open it before it actually went into the cart.  When I tried to bypass this process because I was putting a glass jar in the cart, the lack of nap reared its ugly head and the meltdown began, it lasted until we got back into the car. 

Late yesterday afternoon we had visitors, my friends Lisa, Stephanie and Chrissy came over.  Max did great, much better than I thought he would!  He laughed and played and ran all over the place, everyone had fun!   It seems Max is ready to meet my friends and family.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

We're Home!!!

We made it home last night.  Max was a real trooper yesterday, he woke up at 6 AM in Moscow and stayed awake until we landed in JFK, about nineteen hours later.   He kept himself and a lot of people around him up during the flight.  It's a good thing he's cute!  At 5:35 PM last night, Max became a United States citizen! 

Then it was home to a welcome celebration which he slept thru.  Oh well, we'll have to do another one with him in it.  He woke up a few times during the night and has been up for several hours now, he's still on Moscow time and he's a bit cranky today.  It will take him a while to adjust to the time change and all of the other changes in his new life.  I'll keep you posted.