Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Family Day

Max attends Strawberry Day Care.  They had a family day which was very similiar to a carnival for the kids.  Some of the kids put in shows, there was food, games and a bouncy house.  Everyone had a lot of fun.  Max loved the performances by the older kids; he was fascinated by them.  At one point he stood up and started to do the dances they were doing, it was great fun to watch. 

Max enjoying the show and joining in.

Max in the bouncy house.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Animals... Up Close

Andrew Simmons, a wildlife expert was doing a show locally so we went to see the animals.  I think Max really enjoyed seeing the animals; we were so close to them that he sat very still and took it all in.   After the show they did a raffle and Max won the 'medium' tiger, good thing he didn't win the big one, it was bigger than him!  

Here's a few pictures from the show.

An eagle.

An owl, I think we woke him!

I don't remember if Mr. Simmons said this was a crocodile or an alligator, I do remember that he said it had a bad attitude!  He was hissing at us.  

This lizard needs a manicure!  He was actually in captivity becasue one of his claws was broken.

 Mr. Simmons holding a big python!  He tried to feed the snake in front of us, but he wouldn't eat.

A four month old lion cub.

Max with his tiger.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Random Thoughts & Pictures

Max is home a little more than 3 ½ months now.  This Sunday when we were in Church I was watching him; he seems to be a completely different child than when we got home. 

To me, Max looks so much healthier now; his hair has come in nicely, I know he’s gained some weight and according to the growth chart in his room he’s grown a little bit too.  We go back to the doctor in the end of September for the official measurements. 

His adjustment has been amazing, he adapts well to every new situation, he loves people and he loves to go places.  He is happy, affectionate and excited to see me and the people in our lives that he has come to know and love. 

That’s not to say that he’s been all fun, remember, Max is 2 ½ years old and the terrible two’s definitely have a place in my house!  Max is very strong willed, he has opinions and he tries to express them often.  I know it’s really good that he is confident enough and trusts me enough to act like a typical two year old; he’s exhausting and challenging at times, as he should be. 

Remember, this post is titled ‘random thoughts….. 

I love thunder storms, I always have.  There is a peacefulness about them that I just love.  Max has given me another reason to love thunder storms, he’s afraid of the noise.  When he hears thunder and lightening, he comes running to me and he stays cuddled up in my arms hugging me tightly until the storm passes, nothing better than that! 

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks.

In church waiting to be Baptized.

Riding my favorite 'Wiggles' car in the driveway. 

Max in the pool, he's a sytlish guy, he always wears his shades!

We celebrated Max being home for three months with a cake and friends!